Our approach is underpinned by the belief there is always a solution when it comes to the safety of your workplace.

Through expert advice, bespoke policies and procedures, risk assessments, audits and the creation and management of safety systems, we are dedicated to transforming safety in your business.

Safety Consulting

Our Safety Consulting services are designed to provide you with the highest level of safety advice for your workplace.Get expert advice on the best practical safety solutions, such as:

  • Site Audits
  • High Risk Work review and support
  • Incident investigation
  • Document reviews
  • Subcontractor management
  • Gap analysis of current legislation vs company processes


Creation and management of safety management systems, policies and procedures.

As part of our bespoke systems offering, we provide ongoing guidance to help you create and implement safety management systems, policies, and procedures to fit within your workplace business model.

We complete reviews of existing systems to conduct a gap analysis of current legislation to provide relevant recommendations. At your request, we can also amend existing system documentation and policies to ensure you have the most current and suitable system in place.

Our systems can be provided with a range of items, including:

  • Policies and procedures required for compliance,
  • Support documents to ensure ongoing compliance requirements,
  • Folder structure and document register,
  • Induction and training process documents for machinery and chain of responsibility,
  • Current legislative documents,
  • Handover training for the use of the safety system and documents.

Risk Assessments

Benefit from invaluable business intelligence to help shape the safety of your business and your people.

We take a consultative approach to draw input from all parties involved and ensure 'buy-in' from all necessary stakeholders.

Our custom-made templates are used during assessments and consults to promote discussion and consideration of all key work activities. Our risk assessment services include:

  • Project risk assessments (CRAW)
  • Safe Work Method Statements
  • Task specific risk assessments


We offer duty-of-care training, such as:

  • Toolbox talks on topics of clients choosing
  • Plant Verification of Competency (VOC), including:
    • Scissor lift
    • Boomlift
    • Bobcat/ Skid steer
    • Excavator
    • Telehandler
    • Front end loader
    • Confined space
    • Working at heights
    • Quick cut saw
    • Chainsaw
    • Vacuum excavation
    • High Pressure cleaning

"Practical Compliance assisted with the creation of an OHS system tailored to our bespoke residential building company in 2021. Since then they have completed monthly audits across all of our active projects and assisted with implementing changes where deemed necessary by regulatory changes or changes within the business to ensure the safety of our workforce. We continue to work with Tom and Brent as we feel confident in their proactive and practical approach."

Teegan Beales

Unearthed Homes

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